It Could Be You!
If you are one of the millions with a Wordpress website, take action today to ensure your site is as secure as possible. If you are unsure why this would be necessary then take the time to read the rest of this email to find out what dangers could be ahead for you.
Samui can provide you with a security and recovery audit of your Wordpress installation and then implement the actions to ensure your website works for you, rather than you having to work on the website! Contact us today at or call Richard on 01295 278216 to secure your websites future.
Over 20% of all websites are powered by Wordpress, and its popularity is growing. As a cheap and community based content management system it's clear to see why this trend is likely to continue but it's popularity also brings along an unwanted trail of hackers who seek to find vulnerabilities in Wordpress sites that can then be injected across thousands of Wordpress installations.
In July of this year it was estimated that 50,000 websites were hacked due to a vulnerability in one of the Wordpress plugins, indeed it may still exist on your site if you haven't upgraded the MailPoet plugin and implemented a security and recovery plan for your site. There is no knowing when, where or how the next vulnerability will affect webmasters across the country but by implementing a proper security plan and closing a number of doors to potential hackers you can be free from the worry your web presence could be lost.
If you're asking yourself how bad can it be, then just imagine the possibilities a hacker has open to them if they gain access to your admin control panel: they will be free to add, edit and remove pages, posts and links. They can upload harmful files that could go on to affect the hosting server itself, rather than just the website, and they could take your website offline without leaving a trace. All those search engine rankings that you have carefully built up could be lost if a hacker chose to add a few words to one of your configuration files and you wouldn't know why your site was dropping off the search results pages.
It's true to say that hackers are always one step ahead and while you're relying on a vast community of people to deliver Wordpress and it's plugins, there will inevitably be loops in the code that will be exploited. By instructing Samui to carry out a security and recovery audit of your website and then taking action to address the dangers you can feel safe in the knowledge that any attack will cause minimal disruption to you and your business whilst others lose out on potentially days of work and leads whilst they try and regain the web presence they had.
If you would like to discuss how or if this may be important for you please contact us today at or call Richard on 01295 278216 and be confident you won't be one of the 50,000 next time Wordpress is hacked.